Curriculum vitae

Louise Haagh, Debate at Cambridge Union (2018): source

Dr. Anne-Louise Haagh

Full name:             Anne-Louise Haagh

Department:         Department of Politics

Present position:   Professor

Previous posts:

British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 1998-2001

Reader (2013), Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, University of York, 2001-



International Relations (London School of Economics, University of London), 1989

MA Interdisciplinary Area Studies (Institute of Latin American Studies,  (University of London), 1990

D.Phil (University of Oxford, St. Antony’s College), 1998




Haagh, L. The Case for Universal Basic Income, Cambridge: Polity, 2019

Haagh, L., Citizenship, Labour Markets and Democratization – Chile and the Modern Sequence, Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave - St. Antony’s, pp. 291, 2002.

Haagh, L. and Helgø, C. (eds.), Social Policy Reform and Market Governance in Latin America, Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave - St. Antony’s, pp. 279, 2002.

Bonelli, L. De Carenem P., Fattori, T., Haagh, L., Jeliazkova, M., Mattei, U.m Roman, D., Robens, I, Rinaldi, D., Santoro, E., Sciurba, A., Vermeire, D., Council of Europe, Living in Dignity in the Twenty-First Century, pp. 215, February 2013.

Public Reports

Goodhart, M., Haagh, L., Fung, A, Gauri, V., Globben,S., Heller, P., Pateman, C., Peruzzotti, E., Rudeiger, A., Schmitz, H., Standing, G>, Wanpler, B., Wing, S.,  Democratic Imperatives: Innovations in Rights, Participation, and Economic Citizenship, American Political Science Association Task Force Report, Washington D.C., pp. 88, 2012.

Haagh, L. and Rohregger, B., UBI Policies and their Potential for Addressing Health Inequities, Transformative Approaches to have a Prosperous Life, World Health Organisation (WHO) Policy Paper Series, Who Venice Office for Investments for Health and Development, 2019, forthcoming

Chapters in books

Haagh, L., “The Challenge of Labour Reform in Korea: A review of Contrasting Approaches to Market Enhancement”, in Park, F., Park, Y-b., Betcherman, G., Dar, A. (eds.), Labor Market Reforms in Korea, Washington: The World Bank, 386-419, 2001.

Haagh, L., “Human Resources and De-Centralisation in Chile”, inHaagh, L. and Helgø, C. (eds.), Social Policy Reform and Market Governance in Latin America. Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave - St. Antony’s, 47-76, 2002.

Haagh, L., “Perspectives on Social Policy and Market Governance in Latin America”, in Haagh, L. and Helgø, C. (eds.) Social Policy Reform and Market Governance in Latin America, Basingstoke, New York: Palgrave - St. Antony’s, 1-44, 2002.

Haagh, L., “The Free Labour Market and Korea’s 1997 Financial Crisis”, in Amann, E. and Chang H.-J. (eds.), Economic Crisis and its Impacts: Brazil and South Korea Compared, Washington and London: Brookings and Institute for Latin American Studies, 152-200, 2004.

Haagh, L., “Market Neutrality and Social Policy - Unemployment Insurance and Resistance to Comprehensive Learning in Chile”, in Weyland, K. (ed.), Learning from Foreign Models in Latin American Policy Reform, Washington D.C.: The Woodrow Wilson Center, 166-195, 2004.

Haagh, L., “Developmental Freedom, Unemployment and Poverty: Restating the Importance of Regulation to Agency” in Neumeier, O., Schweiger, G. and Sedmak, C. (eds.), Perspectives on Work, Hamburg, London: LIT Publisher Group, 301-312, 2008.

Haagh, L., “Equal Freedom and Social Democracy: Decent Work as a Distributional Good”, in  Bagusat, C., Keenan, W.F.F. and Sedmak, C. (eds.), Decent Work and Unemployment, Vol. 3, Berlin, Paris, London: LIT Verlag, 129-150, 2010.

Haagh, L., “The Citizens’ Income and Democratization in Latin America – A Multi-Institutional Perspective”, in Lo Vuolo, R. (ed.) Citizen's Income and Welfare Regimes in Latin America, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 211-232, 2013.

Haagh, L. “Basic Income and the Democratisation of Development in Europe”, in It’s Basic Income, Downes, A. and Lansley, S. (eds.), Bristol Policy Press, 2018.

Haagh, L. “European Development Ethics – Past and Present”, in Handbook of Development Ethics, Dryjyk, J. and Keleher, L. (eds.), Routledge, 2018.

Haagh, L. “The Philosophy and Economics of Basic Income Revisited”, International Handbook of Basic Income, Malcolm Torry (Ed.), London: Routledge, fortcoming, 2019.

Haagh, L. “Welfare-as-Freedom, The Human Economy, and Varieties of Capitalist State” in Economic Policies for a Post Neoliberal World, eds Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer, (Eds.) London: Palgrave, 2021.

Haagh, L., “From Freedom to Finance – How Development Conditions Frame the Basic Income Debate” in The Intellectual History of Basic Income, Pedro. R. Pinto, Peter Sloman, Daniel Zamora (Eds.) London: Palgrave, 2021.

Articles in academic journals

Haagh, L. Training Policy and the Property Rights of Labour in Chile: Social Citizenship in the Atomised Market Regime, Journal of Latin American Studies, 31, 1999, 429-472.

Haagh, L. The Emperor’s New Clothes - Labour Reform and Social Democratisation in Chile, Studies in International Comparative Development, 38:1, 2002, 86-115.

Haagh, L. and Cook, M. Occupational Rights and New Employment Regimes in Emergent Economies, Policy Studies, 2005, 171-197.

Haagh, L. Editorial Introduction, Social Policy and Administration, 40:4, 2006, 339-352.

Haagh, L. Equality and Income Security in Market Economies: What’s Wrong with Insurance?, Social Policy and Administration, 40:4, 2006, 385-424.

Haagh, L. Basic Income, Occupational Freedom and Antipoverty Policy, Basic Income Studies, 2:1, 2007, 1-8.

Haagh, L. Developmental Freedom and Social Order – Rethinking the Relation between Work and Equality, Journal of Philosophical Economics, 1:1, 2008, 119-160.

Haagh, L. Basic Income, Social Democracy and Control over Time, Policy and Politics, 39:1, 2011, 43-66.

Haagh, L. Working Life, Well-Being and Welfare Reform: Motivation and Institutions Revisited, World Development, 39:3, 2011, 450-473.

Haagh, L. Democracy, Public Finance, and Property Rights in Economic Stability: How More Horizontal Capitalism Upscales Freedom for All, Polity, 44:4, 2012, 1-46.

Haagh, L. Basic Income, Common Assets and Different Egalitarian Rights to Security, Trends in Social Cohesion, 25, 2013, 285-304.

Haagh, L. Alternative Social States and the Basic Income Debate: Institutions, Inequality and Human Development, Basic Income Studies, 10:1, 2015, 45-81.

Haagh, L. Basic Income as a Pivoting Reform, Nature – Human Behaviour, 1, 2017.

Haagh, L. The Developmental Social Contract and Basic Income in Denmark, Social Policy and Society, published online ahead of print 31 August 2018:

Haagh, L. Public Ownership within Varieties of Capitalism: Regulatory Foundations for Welfare and Freedom, International Journal of Public Policy: Special Issue on Public Ownership in the Twentieth Century, forthcoming, 2019.

Haagh, L., The Political Economy of Governance Capacity and Institutional Change: The Case of Universal Income Security Reform in European Welfare States, Social Policy and Society, January, 2019.

Haagh, L., Rethinking Democratic Theories of Justice in the Economy after Covid-19, Democratic Theory, 7 (2), 110-123, 1st December, 2020

(i) Shorter articles on basic income

Haagh, L. Basic Income and Institutional Transformation, COMPASS, 24 February 2017.

Hiilamo, H. and Haagh, L. Basic Income: Not a Panacea, But a Step Towards a New Social Contract, Friends of Europe, 18 October 2017.

Haagh, L. Basic Income’s Radical Role, Social Europe, 2 March 2017.

Haagh, L. Basic Income should be seen as a democratic right – not a solution to unemployment, Royal Society of Arts Journal, 21 March 2017.

Haagh, L. Universal Basic Income, State of Nature, 30 July 2018.

Editorial duties

2011 to present, Basic Income Studies, The Berkeley Electronic Press (from July De Greuter). Editor-in-Chief (with Michael Howard).

2006 to 2011, Basic Studies Journal, Bentham Open.

Lectures and conference papers (Academic, International Organisations, Civil and Political Society)

Academic – a selection

Haagh, L. ‘Worker Identity and the Market Model in Chile’, Labour in the Big Emerging Markets Conference, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 15May 1998.

Haagh, L. ‘Political Democratization, Neo-Liberalism and Impediments to Social Democratisation in Chile’, Society for Latin American Studies Annual Conference, The University of Cambridge, 9-11 April 1999.

Haagh, L. ‘The Politics of Employment Policy in Korea’, Brazil-Korea Conference, Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London, 9-11December 2000.

Haagh, L. ‘Re-Writing the Social Contract in Emergent Economies: Flexicurity Models in Chile, Brazil and Korea’, International Conference of Overcoming Social Exclusion – Brazil in Comparative Perspective, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 22-23 June 2004.

Haagh, L. ‘Equality, Welfare Reform and Unemployment Insurance Models in Chile, Brazil and Korea’, Development Studies Association (DSA) Social Protection Study Group Workshop – Learning from Latin American Social Policy Reforms,  Birkbeck College, University of London, 10 May 2006.

Haagh, L. ‘Equality and Income Security in Market Economies: What’s Wrong with Insurance?’, Basic Income Earth Network Congress, University of Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 November 2006.

Haagh, L. ‘Impulses from Salzburg:Perspectives on Work’, Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, University of Salzburg, 20-25 May 2007.

Haagh, L. ‘Inequality of Income and Inequality of Control: Conceptualizing Links between the Labour Market and Social Policy in Latin America’, Conference on ‘Social Policy, Economic Development and Income Inequality: Latin America in Comparative Perspective’, The Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, 30 May-1 June 2007.

Haagh, L. ‘The Idea of the Basic Income Society’, ‘Towards a Basic Income Society’ Conference, The Centre for the Study of Social Justice, University of Oxford,  26-27 October 2007.

Haagh, L. ‘Impulses from Salzburg - Perspectives on Work’, Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, University of Salzburg, 6-9 May 2008.

Haagh, L. ’Basic Income, Labour Market Institutions and Occupational Freedom’ Panel on ‘An Institutional Perspective on Basic Income’, Basic Income Earth Network Congress, Trinity College, Dublin, 19-22 June 2008.

Haagh, L. ‘Citizen's Income, Varieties of Capitalism and Occupational Freedom’, Citizens Income Trust Seminar Series, University of Nottingham, March 2009.

Haagh, L. ‘Basic Income and Public Finance’, Conference ‘Basic Income at a Time of Economic Upheaval: A Path to Justice and Stability?’, Centre for the Study of Ethics, University of Montreal, Canada, 15-16 April 2010.

Haagh, L. ‘Basic Income, Systemic Inequality and Public Policy’, Basic Income Earth Network Congress, University of São Paulo, Brazil, 30 June-2July 2010.

Haagh, L. ‘Democracy, Public Finance and Property Rights in Stability’, Second meeting of American Political Science Association Task Force ‘Democracy, Economic Security and Social Justice in a Volatile World’, Department of Political Science and European Union Center of Excellence, University of Pittsburgh, 7-9 April 2011.

Haagh, L. ‘The Future of Basic Income’, European University, Florence, 27June 2015.

Haagh, L. ‘Basic Income and the Welfare State’, London School of Economics, 5 December 2015.

Haagh, L. ‘Basic Income and the Nordic Model’, Nordic Conference on Basic Income Pilots, Danish Parliament, Copenhagen, 23 September 2016.

Haagh, L. ‘Basic income: a utopia for our times - Moving forward’ (panel), ‘Basic Income: A Utopia for our Times?’ workshop, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 1October 2016.

Haagh, L. ‘Basic Income – An Idea Whose Time Has Come?’ (debate), Bristol Festival of Ideas, 17 November 2016.

Haagh, L. Workshop on Reciprocity (invited discussant), Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford, 9January 2018.

Haagh, L. Universal Basic Income and the Future of Work, Leeds University Business School, 26 January 2018.

Haagh, L. Universal Basic Income Panel, Transnational Justice Law Summit, King’s College London, 11April 2018.

Haagh, L. ‘This House Supports a Universal Basic Income’ (debate), Cambridge Union, Cambridge University, 26 April 2018.

Haagh, L., Lecture course on Universal Basic Income, Summer School in Philosophy, University of Tilburg, 2018

Haagh, L. ‘The Ethics and Economics of Basic Income Revisited’, Basic Income Earth Network Congress, Tampere, Finland, 24 August 2018.

Haagh, L. ‘From Freedom to Finance: How Alternative Development Models Frame the Basic Income Debate’ at The Intellectual History of Basic Income Conference, University of Cambridge, , file:///Users/anne-louisehaagh/Google%20Drive/2019%20web-page/image.jpg, 14th January 2019

Haagh, Basic Income and Human Development, Debating Basic Income workshop, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, 10th June 2019

Haagh, Basic Income and Human Development, Plenary panel, BIEN 19th Congress, Hyderabad, India, 22nd-26th August 2019

Haagh, L. Ralph Miliband Lecture debate, Universal Basic Income and Universal Basic Services: The Case for Radical Change, with Anna Coote, hosted by Robin Archer (LSE), The London School of Economics, The Old Theatre, Podcast: 26th November 2019

Haagh, L. Fabian Society Roundtable, with Alife Stirling – New Economics Foundation, Stewart Lansley, and Lord Adonis, former Cabinet Minister under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, Stream of Fabian Society Economy & Finance Basic Income Event - Fabian Finance - Medium 12th October 2020

Haagh, L. The Case for Universal Basic Income, Lecture in the Gerhart Centre GC Webinar Series: The Aftermath of Covid: The New Social Impact Ecosystem, 2nd December 2020

International Organisations – major presentations

Haagh, L. ‘Labor Market Reforms in Korea: Policy Options for the Future’, World Bank/Korea Labor Institute Conference, Seoul, Korea, 18-20 May 2000.

Haagh, L. Technical Workshop on ‘Reconceptualizing Work’, Infocus Programme on Socio-Economic Security (SES), International Labour Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-13 December 2002.

Haagh, L. ‘Building Citizenship through a Set of Fundamental Institutions’, International Workshop and Technical Consultation on the Challenges for Social Development Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, Organisation of American States the World Bank, Asunción, Paraguay, 3-6 June 2008.

Haagh, L. Speech as part of working group ‘Human rights of people experiencing poverty’, Council of Europe, Paris, France, 24-25 November 2010.

Haagh, L. ‘Public Finance, the Basic Income and Other Egalitarian Rights to Security’, Plenary on Alternative Strategies to Fight Poverty, Council of Europe Conference, Strasbourg, France, 21-22 February 2013.

Haagh, L. ‘The transformative impact of universal basic income – a powerful equaliser of health, human potential and social progress’, European Health Forum, World Health Organisation, Gastein, Austria, 4 October 2017.

Haagh, L. Health Equity Status Report Initiative, World Health Organisation Summit, UN City, Copenhagen, 24 April 2018.

Haagh, L. and Rohregger, B., Basic Income and Health Inequality workshop, International Health Organisation, UN City, Copenhagen, 5th November , 2018.

Haagh, L., Health Equity, Welfare State Development and Basic Income Policies in Europe, World Health Organisation – High Level Conference on Health Equity, , Ljubljana, Solvenia,,    11th June 2019

Haagh, L., Basic Income, Health Constitution and Governance Coherence for Human Development, key-note to session Welfare State Innovation: Universal Basic Income and Services, 12-13th September 2019, World Health Organisation headquarters, Geneva,, 12th September 2019

Haagh, L., Round-table participant, UNDP Global Social Protection Summit, Panel Transitioning our of Emergency Transfers, with George Gray-Molina (UNDP), Ugo Gentilini (World Bank, and ministers of social development of Colombia and Iran,,  6th October 2020


Civic and Political Society – since 2016

Haagh, L. Keynote speech at founding of Basic Income Earth Network - Iceland, Reykiavik, Iceland, 10 December 2016.

Haagh, L. Debate on Trade Unions and Basic Income, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25 March 2017.

Haagh, L. Keynote on Basic Income, Alternativet Annual Party Convention, Odense, Denmark, 27-28 May 2017.

Haagh, L. ‘Basic Income and the Crisis in Governance’, Journey to 100 conference, Guernsey, 30 June 2017.

Haagh, L. ‘Should We Introduce a Universal Basic Income?’ (debate), Robot Stage, Web Summit, Lisbon, Portugal, 7 November 2017.

Haagh, L. ‘A Progressive Economic Future for Britain’ (roundtable), Policy Network, Westminster, 4 December 2017.

Haagh, L. Keynote speech at ‘Basic Income in Danish’ Conference, Danish Parliament, Copenhagen, 15-16 March 2018.

Haagh, Key-note, ’Borgerløn som Nyt Vilkår for Socialpolitiken’, Cross-party debate, Danish Parliament, 27th February 2019

Haagh, L. “Basic Income and Democratisation” at Café Economique, Leeds, 5 March 2019. Inspired by the successful global initiative Café Scientique, Café Economique organises events to educate the public about contemporary economic ideas and policies.

Haagh, L., Universal Basic Income, North Yorkshire Humanists, York, lecture, 2nd July 2019

Haagh, L. Basic Income and Democratisation, Keynote at the AGM of the Citizens Advice Bureau, North Yorkshire York City Council,, 15th October 2019

Haagh, L. Key-note, Basic Income, Social Justice and Sustainability, Basic Income Ireland AGM, Dublin, 16thNovember 2019

Haagh, L. BIEN Conversations, Risks and Opportunities of Covid – Lead anchor with Co-Hosts, Jamie Cooke (Head of RSA Scotland) and Sarath Davala (Vice-Chair of BIEN), On the USA - Guests, Prof. Karl Widerquist (University of Georgetown in Qatar) and journalist and activist Scott Santenns,, 27th May 2020

Haagh, L. BIEN Conversations, Risks and Opportunities of Covid – Lead Anchor with Co-Hosts, Jamie Cooke (Head of RSA Scotland) and Sarath Davala (Vice-Chair of BIEN), Guests, Leandro Ferreira (BIEN Brazil), and Prof. Lena Lavinas,, 9th July 2020

Haagh, L. BIEN Conversations, Risks and Opportunities of Covid – Lead Anchor with Co-Hosts, Jamie Cooke (Head of RSA Scotland) and Sarath Davala (Vice-Chair of BIEN), Inaugural episode, 7th May 2020

(ii)     Visiting research posts

Research Associate, 1991-1992, Centro de Estudios Sociales, Santiago, Chile.

Research Associate, 1992, Centro de Estudios de la Realidad Contemporánea, Santiago, Chile.

Visiting Fellow, 1999-2000, School for International Studies, Yonsei University, Korea.

Visiting Fellow, 2001, Institute of European Studies, Cornell University, USA.

Visiting Fellow, 2001, School of International Labour Relations, Cornell University, USA.

Research Associate, 2003, University of São Paulo, Brazil.

Research Associate, 2003-2005, Centre for Brazilian Studies, University of Oxford.

Research Associate, 2004-2005,Infocus Programme for Socio-Economic Security, International Labour Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland.

Associate Fellow, 2007-2008, Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research, University of Salzburg.

(iv)    Conference organisation

Co-organiser (with C. Helgø), Society for Latin American Studies (SLAS) Conference, 9-11 April 1999.

Principal organiser, International Conference of Overcoming Social Exclusion: Brazil in Comparative Perspective, The Nissan Centre, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 22-23 June 2004.

(v)     Invitations to referee for peer-reviewed outputs

Various years, Reviewer for World Development, Journal of Latin American Studies, Comparative Political Studies, Political Studies, Politics and Basic Income Studies.

(vii)   Consultancies

Danish Social Democratic Party, Organiser, Santiago, Chile, 1992.

Danish trade union Handelsarbejderforbundet, contracted to organise funded trade union education, Santiago, Chile, 1992.

World Bank and Korean Ministry of Labour/Korea Labor Institute, consulted as expert regarding social policy options for South Korea after the 1997 economic crisis, Seoul, Korea, May 2000.

International Labour Office, contracted to provide input into Infocus Programme for Socio-Economic Security, Geneva, Switzerland, Spring 2004.

Mexican Ministry of Social Development, contributed Brazil study to report ‘Tools to Reduce Horizontal Inequalities between Regions’ headed by Laurence Whitehead (University of Oxford); project awarded prize by Colegio Nacional de Economistas (Mexican College of Economists), 2005.

World Bank, contracted as expert to provide technical report as input to Inter-Ministerial Summit of the Americas, Santiago, Chile, July 2008.

Canadian Council of Welfare, 2010, contracted to give training session to bureaucrats in respect of new anti-poverty strategies, Canadian Council of Welfare headquarters, Ottawa, April 2010.

Presidency of Brazil, invited representative of Basic Income Earth Network’s executive committee to discuss policy pathways of implementing a basic income in Brazil, with President of Brazil, Ignácio Lula da Silva, President Office headquarters in São Paulo, Brazil,June 2010.

Council of Europe, contracted as expert to provide ideas, research and commissioned reports for policy guide to fight poverty, rebuild progressive public finance and reduce inequality in Europe, part of project ‘Human rights of people experiencing poverty’ funded by the European Commission, 2010-2013.

Council of Europe, CO-ACTE Project, Consultant, 2016.

Work and Pensions Committee of the UK Parliament, Expert Witness, Public Inquiry into Citizens’ Income, January 2017.

Alternativet, Policy consultant, speech to the leadership and 300 delegates at annual party convention and participation in political laboratory, May 2017.

World Health Organisation, Expert advisor, European Health Equity Status Report Initiative - Scientific Advisory Expert Group (SAGE), February 2018-present.

Membership/fellowship of a learned society; prizes and awards.

British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, 1998-2001.

Leverhulme Research Fellowship, held at York University, Spring 2002.

Citizens’ Income Trust, Trustee 2010 - present

Royal Society of Arts Fellow, elected in 2017.

Basic Income Earth Network, Elected Co-chair, 2014 and 2016. Elected Chair 2018. Chair Emeritus 2020 -


Teaching undertaken at The Universities of Oxford and York


Latin American Politics

Democratisation in Latin America


Introduction to Politics (politics B), undergraduate

Politics of Development, undergraduate second year

Politics of Latin America, undergraduate third year

Issues in Social and Political Change, MA

Foundations of Political Science, MA

Theories and Policies of Development Governance, MA

Development Paradigms – forthcoming – undergraduate third year

Basic Income – Theory and Practice – forthcoming – MA

PhD supervision – 22 students 2002 - 2018

Awards: 2014, Faces of Fifty Celebration, student nomination as one of 86 present and former staff nominated for recognition on the occasion of the University’s 50th Anniversary.

Recent Media

Interview on political debate programme Orientering on DR – Danish Radio, 13 September 2016.

Roundtable discussion on BBC World Service program In the Balance, with Mike Tanner and Ian Gough, 19 November 2016.

Interview on programme Reality Check of FM4 Austrian Broadcast Corporation, February 2017.

RSA Radio Podcast with John Thornhil of the Financial Times and Labour MP Jon Cruddas, 20 March 2017.

Interview on political debate programme Orientering on DR – Danish Radio, 4August 2017.

Invited as regular author for Brave New Europe to assist in creating a coherent European dialogue about contemporary policy alternatives in Europe, September 2017.

Coverage of the Web Summit debate in leading Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica(‘Reddito di base: ecco i conti di scettici e radicali’ by Riccardo Staglianò), 29 November 2017.

Interview with Sputnik News, 11 December 2017.

Interview with CNBC,19 December 2017.

Interview in Scottish Herald, 6April 2018.

Interviewed for ‘Share International’, December 2018

Danish Radio P1 Orientering, 21 July 2020

Interviewed in Sunday Business Post Ireland, 1th November 2019
‘It’s Back to Basics as Basic Income Starts to get Traction’

Interviewed in El País, (Spain’s largest daily newspaper), 6th April 2020
La renta básica deja de ser una utopía

Featured in CGTN (China’s largest global digital platform), 14th April 2020

Featured in Yorkshire Post, 27th April 2020

Interviewed in Public Finance Focus, 5th May 2020

Full page interview in Estado do São Paulo (one of Brazil’s largest daily newspapers), 11th October 2020,1193647/democracia-estavel-exige-uma-politica-de-bem-estar-diz-professora.shtml


A selection of downloadable pdfs contributed to or written by Louise Haagh.